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m Protected "Requesting meet access": If someone edits the public key (accidentally or otherwise), this guide wont work. ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite)) |
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Revision as of 04:50, 4 August 2024
This is simple a guide for requesting access to using easyrsa.
- Firefox, or any other browser that can import certificates.
- A Linux distro with easyrsa and openssl installed.
Requesting meet access
Setting up easyrsa and generating request
- Install easyrsa and openssl using your distro's package manager.
- Create an empty directory where you'll have your easyrsa setup.
- Initialize your pki:
$ easyrsa init-pki
- Generate a request with easyrsa:
$ easyrsa gen-req <name>
- Send the resulting request via email to the signing authority. In this case, that would be
Accepting requests
This part of the guide is meant as a reference for the admins, if you're just requesting access, skip to the next section.
- Take the received request and place it in
. - Sign the request:
$ easyrsa sign-req client <request name>
- Send back the signed request.
Building your certificate
- Take meet's public certificate, available bellow, and place it in an empty file.
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDijCCAnKgAwIBAgIUQCBAoFSQrYx063PnK3XKiOJSpvQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL BQAwKzEpMCcGA1UEAwwgcG9zaXhseWNvcnJlY3QuY29tIGdhdGVrZWVwZXIgQ0Ew HhcNMjQwODAyMDcxNzE4WhcNMzQwNzMxMDcxNzE4WjArMSkwJwYDVQQDDCBwb3Np eGx5Y29ycmVjdC5jb20gZ2F0ZWtlZXBlciBDQTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAD ggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKxjqIpRxIu2yPejUbyMixZACESrbmIGOhhxwUu1ys6aYPOZ 7yQMs5xuJXcgCuD7Oba1eBi+CpLhyvgZlyLrCfxoCzTdAeeXq0EB7YUn8IYEN3dR e+yds//zkjRzbXAaIbUoAF8XaXgylOSIXLNrh0TTjNscC+TPYvKSbaDhdICOZ1ky u08w5QdOoi1W8FNJd4LKIKWQZW3dMeNaBbKnt9R4mjL28tE5gP6ZYUvcCIoqYAbE DSNq29lXsmDzbD914bN5wYoTP3A+k8QG6eYGb10YgaaJ0TBxeLzadVBq7gFylMt3 1LTNmH/v+l73IYfiDV4O3d33cg0VOKqiD48WCnkCAwEAAaOBpTCBojAMBgNVHRME BTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBStVj4YoMTnD+XZ+doBI7Ao17Gg3DBmBgNVHSMEXzBd gBStVj4YoMTnD+XZ+doBI7Ao17Gg3KEvpC0wKzEpMCcGA1UEAwwgcG9zaXhseWNv cnJlY3QuY29tIGdhdGVrZWVwZXIgQ0GCFEAgQKBUkK2MdOtz5yt1yojiUqb0MAsG A1UdDwQEAwIBBjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAZgbpPdkhAbrbA7Y63WI2Bo26 tPVCZpsEKiwpyEbDDC+NVrbOit1kQg/j26RuXLDVg19IfXk407FVFVGYVJNE+kXt KjyKCGyyZUBQRebCN8kzFsCQ/AJSfzNKQhEK68rchSH66mbjtOtItkdVZRnq0pWI 7WXlTIxK8KTcAx2V/ijyalCENUpwRWfM4Qnkqsi82Dx9e8V0TRCLomW7IQok4dre F6IolUHw9ZuSC10/T8n8+riqWBWEisBGLz79OrdETdHK9A5gpNHRF+sO9JAhVr/t exBWTEJ33BeI0NX87d0Pneun4nss5FsLst+Ut7Y0F2QF2Iar1iERUalHVIjCtA== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
- Concatenate your signed certificate and meet's public certificate:
$ cat your_cert.crt meets_cert.crt > fullchain.crt
- Generate a certificate that a browser can import:
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -legacy -in fullchain.crt -inkey your_private_key.key -out final-fullchain-key.p12
Adding the certificate to Firefox
Tip: If you don't have Firefox, check out this useful page.
- Go to settings
- Search for Certificates in the search bar.
- Click on
View Certificates
- Select the
Your Certificates
tab. Import
your generated certificate.